Monday, November 7, 2016

Man, how about this weather?! The end (of the race to the white house) is near.


Election day is Tuesday!  That is only two days from today.  It is a terrifying thing to think about.  It is embarrassing, actually.  Were I in another country I would feel compelled to apologize for America and her ridiculous and atavistic political system.  I am also ashamed of the media.  Networks taking sides, tongue in cheek style, encouraging blood-lust in this dirty rat fight.  Terrible political ads running non-stop in a frenetic attempt to undermine and assassinate the opposing candidate’s character and even their family and religion.  it is truly awful, yet weirdly entertaining at the same time.  I cannot watch the morning news right now because of all the political ads.  They are mostly attack ads.  As a result, all ll I know about any of the candidates (especially for minor offices like governor, senator, or any of the state offices) is that they are terrible people in general, cheat on their taxes, eat most of their meals with lobbyists, and murder children for sport.  Tennessee Trey, Shell-Game Shelly, the Mustache, Orange Julius Caesar…it’s all so silly.

So, what then?  What do we do?  Just a question…I have no suggestions.  If I could write in Samuel L Jackson, I would.  Wait…that’s a suggestion, but can I?  I bet he would be a great prez.  He certainly would not take any crap.  And because he is a Jedi he would also be morally incorruptible and firm but fair.  I’m betting his IQ is at least twenty points higher than either of the current major candidates.  Yep…that’s who we need to lead our country into this funeral procession for the american dream.  Samuel L Jackson.  I can visualize him on the White House lawn at a pulpit screaming at journalists…his fist slamming the thing and his neck veins popping as his head stretches forward in a show of dominance… makes me laugh.  We should load him up with Starbucks and tequila and give him complete authority to do whatever he wants to do as it pertains to the leadership of our country and the protection of our fundamental ideologies.  Haha just kidding…our ideologies were quietly buried long ago in a moonlight funeral while we were sleeping.

And enough about that.  We’re in deep doo-doo and we all know it.  No matter who wins this twisted joke of an election, we are all in for a life-changing surprise.  New precedents will be set in almost every aspect of our lives.  There is a permanent shift in our paradigm coming and it will be very gloomy and very mean and disguised as empty promises and an inflated stock market.  A sociopath or a real-life banshee will inhabit the white house and gorge themselves on our remaining hope and for the most part, we will lay down like captive dogs and take our beatings and be grateful for the handfuls of kibble we are given.  All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.  And all that jazz.  Anarchy is really the only thing to do at this point but that is a difficult thing to arrange and it would really hurt.  Ach!  I am done with this topic now…I promise.  

The Colts just won in Green Bay!  Great game.  But now comes Sixty Minutes and the Zika virus and that goddam orange-skinned silverback cult-leader with a taste for human brains and dammit it is so very, very wrong and SHIT!!  I keep talking about the race to the throne.  i really mean it now…I promise I am done.  Done done done.

A British Tar is a soaring soul…as free as a mountain bird.  His energetic fist should be ready to resist…a dictatorial word.  HaHa!  I love that lyric.  You have to sing it, though, in the melody for which it was written.  Look it up.  Fitting, though, given our current situation.  

What great weather we had today.  I did a nice, long run and took Mr. Beard with me and he made it seven miles.  I dropped him off and did another six to make it a half.  Felt great and no problems at all, physically.  Knees are great and I’m lifting more weight than I have in about five years.  Maybe I can ride in the elite field again next year.  Though I have no business riding with First IB, now that we have the reigning USA Crits series champ riding for us.  FIB is way super fast now and I cannot believe how far we’ve come in only five years.  Makes me very happy to think about it.  We only have one rider left from the original crew but that’s natural, I guess.  But I can’t help but think about all the guys and gals who have been a part of this program.  From our first Cat 3 win with Tom Laser to our first Elite win with Benny, and all the other wins since then.  This has been a gut-wrench of a ride and I could not be happier with the creative aspect of the team.  Loads of help from a few very important people.  I will give shout-outs to them now:

Ryan Knapp-thanks for taking the offer and igniting this thing.  We’d never have come this far without you and your desperate need to win bike races at all costs…and also your influence on the rest of the team.  Everyone respects you like a godfather and that helps a helluva lot.

Bri Clark-thanks for your ability to create massive Excel spreadsheets with crucial data at warp speed…and also for your very long emails that address every concern i’ve ever had with the team and all the bullshit we have to deal with.  I really, REALLY appreciate it.  

Rachel Langdon-thanks for creating those gorgeous proposals for us and for your wholehearted commitment to the team from day one.  I’ve enjoyed your presence immensely and I am sad to see you go…but happy for you and the opportunity you have ahead of you.  

Benny and Becker-you guys are the foundation of the team and have been here from the start.  it has been my pleasure to see you both blossom into the excellent racers, but more importantly, the excellent men you are today.  I remember being able to kick both of your asses just a few years ago and now I don’t think i could even hold your wheel if you really wanted to bring the heat.  Man oh man how things have changed…

Beth Richter-thanks for coming to all the races and taking excellent photos and for always being available to help straighten out my brain when it becomes twisted and choked with all of my concerns and uncertainties regarding the team and life in general and how best to manage those things.  You are a calming force when I inevitably feel overwhelmed with everything.

I think that’s it for now.  I need to go to sleep soon and Walter is looking at me and I can tell he wants to say “dude!  let’s go upstairs already!  I am so done with this day…thanks for making me run seven miles when all i really wanted to do was run to that path with all the goose poop and have a feast.”  Gross…Walter is so gross.

Until next time!

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