Monday, October 17, 2016

Wedding season and moon-crazed coyotes


I have not written for a while so I thought it might be time.  I am not sure I have anything interesting to say but let’s see here…

How about we start with some one or two-sentence scenes from a book that has never been written?  I was thinking about that on our way home from a wedding in Louisville.  So, Beth’s cousin was married at the Speed Museum on the campus of the University of Louisville.  It was a very, very cool wedding with a great ceremony and a kick-ass reception complete with wild dancing, huge amounts of loud music, and broken glasses…and just about the cutest little flower-girl ever, who also happened to be my wife’s cousin’s daughter.  I have no idea what title that gives Beth and I…second cousins?  second Uncle-in-Law?  No clue.  No matter, though.  Amelia was the bestest ever and we made some super-rad artwork in the kiddie art lab just outside the reception area, in the museum.  

Louisville is a pretty cool town, incidentally.  I did a couple of runs along the riverfront and they were very scenic and very humid and I was Very glad that I found a port-a-potty near Eva Bandman park, which was the venue for Cyclocross Worlds a couple of years ago.  The last time I was there (at Worlds) I was stomping around in the mud and yelling at madmen riding bikes around in the mud and trying not to become deaf from all the screaming and whatever was making that awful horn noise everywhere.  Also I was three or four sheets to the wind and my wife was not happy with that.  But, I digress.  Let’s get back on track with those scenes, shall we?  Here goes: 

The angry Swede muttered something ridiculous about getting a tattoo of Wonder Woman’s airplane on his left arm and then strode off like a drunken baboon in the direction of Tombstone.  I never saw him again.  

Remus had never seen a hot air balloon up close.  And why would he have?  He had lived in that stinking bog all his life and never had much interest in pointing his eyes skyward.  One must be vigilant in an environment like his.  Piranha are always hungry and Remus knew all too well about their vicious appetite.  He had lost his first toe when he was only three years old.  

For a leaf, Fall is always a very suspenseful time.

Banjo Fred had fished along the same stretch of river for nearly thirty years.  Sometimes he caught a fish…and sometimes he caught ringworm.  

“I told you not to do that!” said my brother.  He was always the careful one.  And I respect that quality immensely.  But there are times when you must override the conservative nature of a trusted companion.  And this was one of those times.  “You went too far!  You went way too far, JB!”, he said.  He was wrong though.  Well…he was right and wrong.  And my career as a giraffe trainer was about to take a very dark turn.

That was fun.  But I am tired now and in desperate need of a soft pillow and the drone of my fan.  And darkness.  So maybe one more stupid long paragraph.  

The moon is nuts this weekend, by the way.  Huge and brilliant and probably drawing out the crazies and the coyotes.  The crazies all descend on the bike shop and want to talk about how good they were at BMX back in the 80s and “Can you guys still get Skyway mags?”  Dingbats.  Sometimes they are fun, though.  But sometimes they just want to murder our bathroom.  The coyotes just eat all the voles and mice and poop all over the walking paths that criss cross the neighborhood.  Everyone hates them and wants to shoot them with 45 Magnums and shotguns (probably 90% of the population around here own a gun) but I sort of like them.  They control the rodents and generally just do what they were programmed to do, which is eat and make little baby coyotes.  I’ve seen them wandering around the county roads near cornfields and once i even stopped and watched one not twenty feet away from me.  He just sat there watching me for a few minutes and then lazily strolled off into the field.  They look like miniature versions of Soma, my shepherd-husky mix who left for the Happy Hunting Grounds three years ago.  That’s probably why I like them.  Soma was the best.  But I do wonder why they insist on pooping on the walking paths.  That part is annoying.  You have to constantly watch where you are running or walking or whatever.  Why don’t they just use the grass?

Right…that’s it for this one.  I am going to attempt to start doing these more often.  They will get better.  I need to write about the team soon.  Very exciting stuff on that front.  First IB Cycling just keeps growing and we are set to be a dominant crit team next season.  I’ll get to that very soon.  

Oh yeah…the Colts just shot themselves in the gut.  Nice giveaway, guys….

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