Sunday, November 27, 2016

gon' get swole now...big changes ahead at the store...Arby's is gross


Today wasn’t such a bad day.  It’s the end of November and the sun was out and the temp was up.  50s is not a bad thing this late in the year.  I did not ride my bike but I got a good run in and took the bearded one with me.  He lasted about seven miles before he called No Joy and demanded to be released so that he could retire to the comfort of his leather chair, which he has commandeered from Beth and I.  I got another three in for a total of ten today.  That’s three ten-mile runs this week for a bike rider.  

I hate riding bikes this time of year.  It’s difficult for me to get motivated to ride when it’s cold and dreary outside…and it’s only gonna get worse.  So, I usually just run a lot and maybe do three rides during the week, most of them on the trainer, followed by my brutal and masochistic leg routine that includes many sets of different movements, all to failure.  This has been my routine for many years.  It seems to work just fine for me and also serves the purpose of making me actually want to ride my bike when January comes and I stop running so much and start riding loads of miles.  If I only rode my bike during the fall and winter I would hate the damned thing and probably give up riding and racing, all together…Chorus: If I only rode my bike during the fall and winter I would hate the damned thing and probably give up riding and racing!  

And so it goes with maintaining fitness during the off-season.  If anyone wants to come and try my leg routing, we have a pretty complete set-up in the basement.  I promise you will know hors category suffering.  

So Beth leaves Tuesday for Japan and I will be a de facto bachelor here at the homestead.  That means the pups will be present at the shop a lot for the next couple weeks.  Also, Chris Carr’s giant “dog” may joins us also.  Leo is a Rhodesian Ridgeback who weighs about 140 pounds.  He could probably kill anyone or anything he wants to but, in fact, he is as gentle as a baby fur seal and mostly just wants to sleep a lot.  This is the time of year, from now until about the first of February, that we can have the pups in the store.  It’s pretty slow and I don’t have to worry about Bella jumping on people or Walter yelling his head off whenever the door buzzer goes off.  Should be a good time.  Maybe we could start a dog daycare in the winter for supplementary income.  Yep…That idea has some legs.  

And speaking of supplementary income and business diversification…we have six computrainers and are starting to teach classes now!  Chris Carr is leading that initiative and we already have a couple of people who have bought packages.  We used to do trainer sessions in the store a few years ago when we didn’t have so much inventory and bike racks all over the place; we sometimes had as many as twenty people riding trainers in the store on weekend mornings and week nights.  That was a fun time…a really great memory of the store when we were younger and just wanted to build a community.  I think we did.  We have such great customers and Pals of the store.  I met many of my good friends through the store and those trainer sessions.  That is one of the most important, and treasured benefits of owning the place.  

The computrainer sessions, though, are much more structured and we can display and record so many metrics now.  This makes training much more effective and enjoyable.  Chris and I will split teaching duties this winter so come on in and try it out!  

And enough about business…for now.  There are some very big and very exciting things about to happen on that front.  I cannot say exactly what right now but change is coming.  I’ll do an update when our plans are more solid.

And holy shit that Arby’s guy is blabbering on about meat and things that sizzle and how much money does that company spend on advertising?  It’s ridiculous!  Where did this guy come from?  I imagine they found him in some hole in the wall barbecue place in a filthy bayou down south.  Just gnawing on a half-dead hog and screaming for more hot sauce and sweet tea.  His voice acquired that rich, deep, resonant pitch by being stretched and stretched by swallowing great hunks of smoked meats until his larynx became thin enough to vibrate like a tugboat horn.  They display images of huge mounds of what looks like perfectly smoked mastodon thighs and expertly crafted sandwiches with fluffy white baguettes and layers of sliced meats.  When we all know (and they do also) that what you really get at Arby’s is a soggy yellow bun with a pile of grey spongy crud that smells like feet.  But that dude…what a trip.  “What kind of sheep…is a beef?”  I love it.  But I will never eat it.  

This is too long and running on fumes now because I am sleepy and the games are boring today.  I did get to ride the moto around the block, though.  That was pretty fun.  And I polished the wheels and body work so she is all sparkly now.  Good stuff.  Beth put up a ton of Christmas decorations today and they look great.  She is a dynamo.  So much energy.  We decided today that she is definitely an overachiever and I am…well…not an overachiever.  But I appreciate her natural inclination to be productive because if she was not, we would live in a house devoid of decorations, or pictures on the wall, or even furniture.  My natural environment mirrors my brain: rows and columns and NOTHING ON THE KITCHEN COUNTERS!!!  Oh, and clean floors.  

That’s all for now…I can hear the underpants gnomes singing in the other room so that means it’s bed time.

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