Friday, October 30, 2020

103020 Bristlecone

I hope you all can sense what is happening right general..everywhere.  We, as an organism, have some sort of a cancer.  I don’t mean that orange anomaly, either.  That is just the fruiting body of something much more insidious that has been growing and spreading its hairy, sticky mycelium deep under the very soil on which we stand for many moons.  It’s none of those bullshit conspiracy theories, either.  White supremacists, sex-cult power brokers, scary scary mean Chinese and Muslims, lone-wolf pseudo-anarchist dipshits of all makes and models…  

They are nothing more than manifestations of our mind, because we are all afraid.  That’s it, and that’s all.  

Lemme clarify.  All of those things Do exist.  They are real, physical things.  They have power to hurt and harm.  But…why do you suppose someone whom you have never met, nor about whom you know next to nothing, would want to harm you?  

Just think about it for a minute.

Also think about it from a perspective which divides the population numbers of all nations by ten million and rounds appropriately.

25 people in the US, 140 in China, 30 and change in the Middle East, 15 in Mexico, and around 15 in Russia.  Throw in N. Korea for good measure…never know what that guy is up to.  Now visualize a globe with the appropriate number of pins on it representing those population numbers.  (note: the numbers are probably off, and do not account for regional differences within said nations, but I was writing fast and had to go from memory)  I find this to be immensely helpful when I think about things.

Who has the most natural resources?  Who is deficient?  Who has surplus?  Who is prepared to fight to defend those resources?  Who wants to fight to take some?  Who needs to take an economics course?

But most important of all:  Who is prepared to offer?  Who is prepared to trade, simply to balance the equation?  Who is more interested in the entire organism?  Which is to say, who is capable and ready to perform their role in that organism for the sake of its survival, even to the point of death?  

We are the organism.  We are the ones who will answer those questions, inevitably.  We are the ones who can direct and distribute those resources around the planet Earth so that the organism can return to homeostasis…to peace…to balance.  It can happen in one day, if we want.  The actual Things don’t need to even manifest, at all.  They are also simply fruiting bodies of something Else which has been growing deep under ground.  This thing is the root complex of all of the Good, Positive thought and intent of every person who has ever filled their role in this organism to the best of their ability.  Those people tend to teach others.  Thus the organism continues indefinitely.  

That root complex is so much more powerful than the malignant fungus I mentioned earlier, which can only survive by leaching nutrients from the dead, or the dead on their feet.  In a fight between a redwood and a mushroom, I’ll take the tree.  Fungus reproduces by vomiting out zillions of spores, which are just shitty ideas; they are small things.  Very small.  But if they happen to latch on to a particularly strong host, or community, which may be sitting quite idly by, just waiting to be exploited for its natural resources or even just its decency, it will quickly begin to spread in quiet, whisper-like threads which take hold in the minds of those who may actually be filling their roles quite well, but who also may not have a clear idea of what our organism is, or why it is at all.  That is dangerous…tisk tisk so very dangerous.  We all allowed this to happen because we are all the same.  We all have a role to fill in our organism.  Earth is not our host…it is us.  And the reason it exists is simply to fertilize our, frankly, limitless minds, so that we can work toward our Finished Form.  I do not know what that is.  But I do know that nothing reaches its true finished form without becoming beautiful.  We are all meant to be beautiful.  Do not confuse beauty with aesthetics.  Beauty is form; aesthetics are function.  And you know what they always say…

Take a look at what you do.  Now think about what you are best at and what you love to do.  Start doing it.  Even if it’s just a little bit, between work and family and recreation.  Even if it is only three minutes at first.  Just start doing it.  Go.  Now.  Yes, now!  Start to think about your character.  I know there is something in there that you used to love to do as a kid, that you were so good at you just knew that was gonna be your “job” when you grew up.  Disregard everything else from the age of around ten or eleven and up.  Also disregard the particulars of the resources available to you back then.  We all come from different socioeconomic potluck, after all.  Just think about what made you feel fulfilled.  Even if it was just me.  Keep it simple.  None of us was made to do anything other than Our unique role in life.

This all may be a load of crap…but I don’t think so.  I have a lot on my mind.  A lot of it is becoming clear.  I am not insane or “out there” or weird, or whatever people call each other when someone says something that makes them feel uncomfortable, but that they Recognize.  Think about that, also.  And actually, maybe I am all those things…but I really don’t care anymore.  I will no longer willingly give in to the things toward which fear directs me.  Not without considering the fearful thing with honest intent.  

I will no longer willingly direct any negative thought or action toward anyone or any thing.  Not even the old man driving 30 in a 45 zone because when you tailgate a slower driver, you necessarily create a high pressure zone between you, literally and figuratively.  All that anger and fear-aggression is directed straight at that man.  Do we know that man?  Do we venture to guess why he is driving 15 under?  Do we give in to the seductiveness of hate and anger and the accompanying dopamine rush?  Fortunately for that man, the outlet for all that pressure is simply either side of that gap, where it is whisked away by the wind.  Unless he glances back and decides to engage, in which case you end up with two people intensifying their fear and anger, possibly leading to physical conflict.  Or do we back off, creating the necessary Low pressure zone, and attempt to create a vacuum right there in the middle of that gap, which has the power to suck all that fear and anger right the hell through your windshield and into the void, where it dies a most terrible death.  

Good will always prevail, folks, in the long run.  But sometimes it becomes diminished, just a bit, by illness.  The only thing capable of causing that illness is us.  And, no, forest fires and hurricanes are not illness.  They are simply performing their role to the best of their ability.  The fact that they attacked the US, incessantly, this year is simply the end result of Our actions.  We are the ones screwing with ocean temps and water cycles.  They just go where we tell them.  

Eh…Think I’m done for this morning.  I have a lot more in the works though.  I may or may not put it out there but I think it is important to do so if you have something helpful to say, even if it is simply retelling the oldest story ever told from a fresh perspective…as long as you do so with the honest intent of being of service to Us.  We.  Humanity.  Be human.  Reach out.  Love your family and friends with a full heart.  If you feel called to lead, lead well.  I don’t like the situation any more than you.  HA!  …”What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.”
